1. Space Settings


1.1. Edit

The edit space page allows you to modify the space name or add a description.

1.2. Sharing


In this page you can share the current space, by inviting Users by email. The User has to be already registered in TIM, for this to be taken into account.


The newly shared space will be automatically made available in the invited User’s list of spaces and an email will be sent to notify them about it.

Users who have access to the page are listed on the right hand-side of the page.

The icon editRightsImg signifies that the User can both view and edit the current space

The icon viewRightsImg signifies that the User only has viewing rights.

1.3. File management

Manage the files that are associated to the space. Those files can be used to perform specific transformation on datasets.

1.4. Dataset trasformation

Modify or replace some data of a dataset after the search, e.g. to add new fields or remove documents.

Only for users with role advanced.

1.5. View

Change the options related to the view, such as background colour and layout algorithm (at space level).

Only for users with role advanced.

1.6. Custom page

Create custom pages using a predefined set of options. This is the esoteric alternative to creating and editing Custom Pages from the main TIM page.

For more information on Custom Pages, please see here.

1.7. Custom space page

Create custom pages at the space level, using a predefined set of options.

1.8. Other space options

Other options that do not have a specific category. Only for users with role advanced.

1.9. Indicator

Create an indicator (numerical value) from the dataset. Examples of indicators are the number of authors of a document or the average number of countries.

For more information on Indicators, please see here.

Only for users with role advanced.